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How to live and work with the seasons as a witch.

A big part of witchcraft is knowing what times are the best for different types of magic and the intentions that we put into it. There is so much information out there about the moon phases and days of the week, but there is very little about the seasons. This week I want to talk more about them. Particularly the types of magic that are best suited to different time of the year and how to use them to enhance both your magic and your general day to day life and well-being. So lets begin…


Winter is the first season of the year. It starts with yule, the winter solstice. Yule usually falls on the 21st of December. (it can fall on the 22nd, depending on when the next leap year is.)

Winter is a time of rebirth. It begins with the shortest day and marks when the Sun has been reborn and the days are getting longer again. It is a time for self reflection and shadow work. But mostly it is a time for rest, recuperation, and healing. The days are short so there’s not much time to get work done. So sort out your priorities and think about what is important. Winter is the best time of year to plan and set intentions for the year to come. It is also the best time to reflect on the year that has passed and note just how much has changes and how much you have grown.

For me Winter corresponds to water, because of its connection to reflection.

The magic that is best suited for this time of year are healing spells.

The winter Sabbats are Yule and Imbolc.

snowy forest in winter


Spring is the second season of the year and starts on the spring equinox, Ostara. Like the solstices the equinoxes usually fall on the 21st of the month. This time march.

Spring is the time for sowing seeds and ideas. It is the time to grow. As the days are now longer than the nights it is a good time to open the windows and let the old out and the new in. It is a great time to deep clean and deep cleans both yourself and your space. It is the time to start new projects and set things in motion. The longer days are the perfect time to get outside and reconnect with nature.

For me Spring corresponds with Earth, as it is the timer when the Earth is really coming to life and waking up after a long winter sleep.

The magic that is best suited for this time of year is growth, fertility and abundance spells.

The Spring Sabbats are Ostara and Beltane.

spring flowers


Summer is the third season of the year and starts on Litha, the Summer Solstice. Usually the 21st of June.

Summer is the time to nurture relationships and work hard to get what you want. Plans that were set in motion in the spring will begin to pick up momentum and start to really flourish and grow. The days are long giving you plenty of time to work and play. Summer is the time for abundance and growth. A time to really connect with the world around you. To spend long days in nature and with friends and family.

For me Summer corresponds with Fire as it is full of strength, passion, and success.

The magic that is best suited for the time of year is success and abundance spells.

The summer Sabbats are Litha and Lammas.

forest in summer


Autumn is the fourth and final season of the year and begins on the autumn equinox, Mabon. Usually on the 21st September.

Autumn is when the nights are becoming longer than the days again. So it is the time to start slowing down and making provisions for the Winter months. It is the time to reap the rewords of your hard work. It is the time to wrap up your projects and tie up loose ends. It is a tine of death, and as such makes it a good time to connect with the spirits and for divination.

For me Autumn corresponds to Air. Relating to the intangible and change.

The magic best suited for this time of year is Divination and spirit work.

The autumn Sabbats are Mabon and Samhain

forest in autumn

As witches it is important to work with the natural flow of the seasons and yearly cycle. But this is only a guide and not set rules if you want to do growth spells in the autumn, do so. But you might non get as strong a result as you would in spring or early summer.

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