Who is the Wild Witch of Epping Forest?
Hi let me start by introducing myself. My witch name is Zephyr West. Not my real name as I am still in the broom closet and I prefer to keep my online life and my private life separate. His is also the reason why I don’t have any pictures of myself on this blog.
I am still a new baby witch and have been practicing for around 2 years now. In that time I feel like I have learned a lot but I still have a long way to go and a lot more to learn. I don’t label myself as any particular type of witch although I do prefer candle magic and tarot divination.
I started this blog for a number of reasons. One being as a way to record what I learn and my practice as a form of online Grimoire. But mostly I stated this blog because all of the witchcraft blogs that I have come across both focus mainly on Wicca practices and are almost always based in America, and as such there is very little information about witchcraft practices in the UK. Wicca is not a practice that I feel is right for me. I have always been drawn towards Norse Paganism as it is the pre Christian religion of where I live.
This is meant to be the type of blog that I wish I had found years ago. Because I found it really hard to get going with no direction or relatable place to stat from. I also hope that what I write here can help other UK witches that are just starting out in their practices to.